Based in North |West London, Fortune Green Legal Practice specialises in providing services for businesses and individuals who want to maximise the value of their property and assets. We do this by giving expert and qualified legal advice on town and country planning law. We have extensive experience in local government and we understand how it works.We will dedicate ourselves so getting you the best possible result when you need to get public bodies, such as the local authority, on your side.

For instance, if you own a property and you want to extend it, we can advise you about whether your proposals will be acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. You and your professional team can come to us at any stage of the project, whether or not you’ve started building, and even if the Local Planning Authority has already refused the plan, or has started taking enforcement action. Ask us, too, about planning applications, planning appeals, listed buildings, conservation areas and the Green Belt, or about how your proposals could be affected by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) or by Neighbourhood Planning, and other new legislative provisions, and we can help to resolve your queries.

Fortune Green Legal Practice can guarantee that your affairs will be dealt with by a qualified solicitor who will always be accessible and responsive to your professional needs.

Contact us today and find out how we can help.

Linda Felton: Solicitor and Owner of Fortune Green Legal Practice

Linda Felton

Solicitor and Owner
Fortune Green Legal Practice

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Here's how you can contact us:

Please feel free to call us, request a call back at a time that is convenient for you or write to us via email.

Your initial 15 minute consultation with Fortune Green Legal Practice is FREE.

Fortune Green Legal Practice offices in London

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority no 563425

Registered Office:
Office 500, Pennine Place 2a Charing Cross Road London, WC2H 0HF

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