Who might need a planning solicitor?

Town and Country Planning law is a niche and complex area of property law. Since 2011 Fortune Green Legal Practice has given bespoke advice to clients in London and all of England.

As your partner working with you to resolve planning law problems, I can offer almost 20 years of planning law experience because for almost a decade before setting up my independent law firm I worked in-house at a number of local authorities in London and the South East of England. So when you instruct this law firm you can be assured that you get impartial and balanced advice on all your planning law questions.

On top of the decades of experience in this area of law. the added benefit you get is my inside knowledge of how councils work, giving a valuable added perspective when you instruct Fortune Green Legal Practice.

What does a planning solicitor do?

A planning solicitor can advise when you have a disagreement with the Council about a planning application. It may be your own planning application, which the Council wants to refuse. Sometimes, it may be an application for works nearby that you would like to object to (because you think the development will have a bad effect on you and on the wider neighbourhood).

Also, if the Council has taken enforcement action (for example, they have sent you a planning contravention notice, or an enforcement notice) a planning solicitor can advise you on the next steps.

Do I need to renew my license?

At Fortune Green Legal Practice we do not usually file planning applications.

This is because a planning consultant will have more experience in filing planning applications and may be able to visit your site and make recommendations on how you can maximise your development. An architect may also assist, and help with creative ideas and drawings of your proposed development.

We have a network of trusted planning consultants and architects we can refer you to. Please do not hesitate to call us on 0203 983 0595 to make the introductions.

What will a planning solicitor charge me?

The first 15 minutes are free and this provides both parties with an opportunity to understand each other's requirements. From this initial consultation, we are able to assess your case and circumstances. The final costs will depend upon the firm you choose to work with.

At Fortune Green Legal Practice we are always transparent when it comes to our pricing structure. Nobody likes a surprise when the bill comes in!

We may be able to offer a fixed fee for a procedure, or we may charge an hourly rate. For a process which is likely to take longer to come to a conclusion a retainer fee is usually agreed. Click here to find out about our fees.

How long will it take to resolve a dispute with the Council

Depending on your circumstances, it can take weeks, months, or in some cases even years. The Council may respond quickly to our enquiry, but this is not always the case. This is why we keep on top of your matter and make sure that it doesn’t slip down Council's agenda.

Sometimes just one letter, or phone call, from an experienced practitioner can resolve or significantly speed up a dispute.

What should I do if the Council is taking me to court?

If you have received a summons, you should take legal advice immediately. Do not hesitate to contact us and to let us know, if possible, when you will have to go to court. We can give you initial advice on what your best options are. If appropriate, we can recommend other expert advisors, who can help with your matter.

You are located in central London, but my property is not. Can you help me?

Yes we can. Although FGLP is based in central London about 50% of cases we deal with are to do with properties outside of London. We deal with clients from all over England. There is a different legal system in Scotland, and Welsh planning laws are different (as a result of devolution of government). If your property is located there, we will recommend lawyers who can help.

Here's how you can contact
Fortune Green Legal Practice

Here's how you can contact us:

Please feel free to call us, request a call back at a time that is convenient for you or write to us via email.

Your initial 15 minute consultation with Fortune Green Legal Practice is FREE.

Fortune Green Legal Practice offices in London

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority no 563425

Registered Office:
Office 500, Pennine Place 2a Charing Cross Road London, WC2H 0HF

© 2024 FGLP Ltd. All rights reserved.

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