Objecting to a Planning Application
If you find out that the Council is considering a proposal for development that you find objectionable, you have the right to make your views known. You don’t have to live near the proposed site or have any association with it. On the other hand, it is important to remember that planning decisions must be made in accordance with national and local planning policies, and this has relevance when you make your objection. For example, the fact that the proposal would reduce the value of your property will not be considered by the planning officers, even if you have strong evidence that this is likely to happen. The matters that the planning officers will consider will have more to do with the impact on the area as a whole. These include:
- loss of light to neighbouring houses, or overshadowing
- loss of privacy or overlooking
- visual amenity, but not the loss of a view
- design factors, including materials and appearance
- landscaping
- loss of trees
- adequacy of parking spaces
- road access and highway safety
- traffic generation
- noise, disturbance or smells
There are several ways you can make your views known:
· Write a letter to the Council’s planning department
· Use the comments section on the planning applications page on the Council’s website
· Contact your local councillor for your ward, or for the ward in which the proposed development is situated
· If the proposal is to be debated at a planning committee meeting, ask to speak at the meeting.
Fortune Green Legal Practice can help with any or all of the above. We have advised many clients on how to support a planning application most effectively, and on how to object.
Together we can consider what your strongest arguments are, taking into account your specific situation, as well as national and local planning legislation and guidance.
Remember that the local planning authority is interested in the benefits, or otherwise, impact that the development proposal will have on the “amenity” of the area. For example, the appearance and character of the proposed development, the size of the new development relative to other buildings nearby, and the way the proposal could affect the immediate neighbours. On the other hand, the effect of the development on property prices, is not a factor which the local planning authority will take into account, when it determines the application.
You normally have 21 days to respond, starting from the date of the letter or notice, but it is important not to leave it to the last minute. To get your voice heard most effectively may require some research, for example into the history of the site, or into the specific planning policy of the area.
Call Fortune Green Legal Practice for advice on all of this. We can draft a letter/email for you in support of / objecting to an application.
We can help you to prepare for a meeting with your local councillor, or we can speak on your behalf at a planning committee meeting.
We can’t make false promises or guarantee that your point of view will win the day, but we know that with our help you can be sure that your views have been expressed as effectively as possible. Contact FGLP now on 0203 983 0595 or email at .